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you can be a founder

Invest in YKSI and become a founder! Help us create our prototype and receive one of the first 25 YKS1 One’s. Be part of our journey!

We are at the beginning of the development of our prototype for the YKS1 ONE, an electric one-person car. A unique circular design, smart size and made of high-quality materials. The ONE will be our blueprint. An example of change and improvement. You’ll be one of the first in the world to receive your YKS1 ONE. You’ll also also become part of our journey with online access to our development portal and invites to special test days.

We are looking for funding to build our prototypes. In any form. Are you interested? Fill in the form below or send an email to and we will gladly make an appointment with you on board of the ss Rotterdam.


After your submission, we will get in contact with you soon!

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